Microsoft Game Pass RSS Feed

I really like RSS feeds. I believe social media has had a majority detrimental impact on both society and the internet in general.

It was once the case we used the internet to read articles about what we wanted, when we wanted, but now everything is pumped into Facebook I can only describe it as a library in which every page of every book is on the same shelf, mixed in with one another.

I also like Microsoft Game Pass, mainly because it means I can play Call of Duty without paying £70 each year for an updated advert of shite.

As I couldn't find a good feed of the latest changes to Game Pass, but I could find a spreadsheet kept up to date by the community listing every game featured on Game Pass and it's status, I created my own feed.

Feed can be found here

I wrote this as a python script, mainly because I hate python but feel like I should be using it like every other fucker nowadays. It is basic, but it does the job. I run this hourly, on a cron, then serve the static feed. Code is commented for anyone interested.

GitHub repo here

import os
import requests
from datetime import datetime
from glob import glob
import pandas as pd

# set the links to the docs
# first is the url to download a csv of the 'Master List' sheet, where the interesting stuff happens
# second is just the link to the sheet in gneeral, linked in the resultant feed
dl_url = ''
link_url = ''

# set up directory paths
script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

# here we store our csvs for comparison
csv_directory = script_dir + '/csv'

# here we store our snippets of comparison html
item_directory = script_dir + '/items'

# create dirs if they don't exist
if not os.path.exists(csv_directory):

if not os.path.exists(item_directory):

# load list of items
csvs = glob(os.path.join(csv_directory, '*'))
items = glob(os.path.join(item_directory, '*'))

# clear up old files

print('Cleaning up old data')

# sort our csvs so we can remove old checks
old_csvs = sorted(csvs, key=os.path.getmtime, reverse=True)

# Keep the 24 latest csvs, delete the others
old_csvs_to_delete = old_csvs[23:]

# Loop through and delete the files
for file in old_csvs_to_delete:
    print(f'Deleted: {file}')

# do the same with html items
old_items = sorted(items, key=os.path.getmtime, reverse=True)

# Keep the 24 latest files, delete the others
old_items_to_delete = old_items[50:]

# Loop through and delete the files
for file in old_items_to_delete:
    print(f'Deleted: {file}')

# Get CSV to diff

print('Downloading CSV')

# create filename to save
current_time ='%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S')
filename_with_date = f"gamepass_{current_time}.csv"
filepath = os.path.join(csv_directory, filename_with_date)

# download csv and store with timestamp
response = requests.get(dl_url)

with open(filepath, 'wb') as file:

print(f"CSV downloaded and saved as: {filepath}")

# reload data, this is necessary as we may have deleted data earlier
csvs = glob(os.path.join(csv_directory, '*'))
items = glob(os.path.join(item_directory, '*'))

# Diff the latest 2

# sort by newest to oldest and get latest 2 csvs
files_sorted_by_mtime = sorted(csvs, key=os.path.getmtime, reverse=True)
newest_files = files_sorted_by_mtime[:2]

# if not enough csvs, don't compare
if len(newest_files) < 2:
    print('Not enough files to diff, exit')

print(f'Comparing "{newest_files[0]}" and "{newest_files[1]}"')

# Load the two CSV files
df_new= pd.read_csv(newest_files[0], skiprows=1, usecols=['Game', 'System', 'Status', 'Added', 'Removed'])
df_old = pd.read_csv(newest_files[1], skiprows=1, usecols=['Game', 'System', 'Status', 'Added', 'Removed'])

# Merge the two DataFrames to compare them
# `indicator=True` adds a column to show where each row came from.
diff = pd.merge(df_old, df_new, how='outer', indicator=True)

# Rows that exist only in the old CSV will have '_merge' as 'left_only'
# Rows that exist only in the new CSV will have '_merge' as 'right_only'
# Rows common to both will have '_merge' as 'both'

# Filter the rows that are new or old
new_rows = diff[diff['_merge'] == 'right_only']
old_rows = diff[diff['_merge'] == 'left_only']

changes = len(new_rows) + len(old_rows)

print(f"Number of changes: {changes}")

# if nothing changed, don't create an item
if changes == 0:
    print('No changes, exit')

# Generate new rss entry

print('Creating new item')

# remove extra column
new_rows = new_rows.drop('_merge', axis=1)
old_rows = old_rows.drop('_merge', axis=1)

#r remove NaN - pandas likes to try parse every field
new_rows = new_rows.fillna('')
old_rows = old_rows.fillna('')

# Output differences to an HTML file
html_report = '<h2>New rows</h2>\n'
html_report += new_rows.to_html()
html_report += '\n<h2>Old rows</h2>\n'
html_report += old_rows.to_html()
html_report += '\n<br><br><a href="' + link_url + '">View View Google Sheet</a>'

if not os.path.exists(item_directory):

entry_filename = f"item_{current_time}.html"

entry_filepath = os.path.join(item_directory, entry_filename)

# Write the HTML report to a file
with open(entry_filepath, 'w') as file:

# generate rss

print('Generating feed')

pub_time = datetime.utcnow()

# Format the time according to RFC 1123
pub_time = pub_time.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT')

# build start
rss = """<?xml version="1.0"?>
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="">
      <title>GamePass Updates</title>
      <description>Feed of changes to the GamePass Master List Google Doc</description>
      <webMaster> (Neil Allen)</webMaster>

# replace time
rss = rss.format(time=pub_time)

# Get latest entries
items = glob(os.path.join(item_directory, '*'))

# order all our html comparison items and limit to ten
items_sorted_by_mtime = sorted(items, key=os.path.getmtime, reverse=True)
newest_items = items_sorted_by_mtime[:10]

# created our entries
for item in newest_items:
    lm = os.path.getmtime(item)
    lm = datetime.fromtimestamp(lm)
    lm = lm.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT')
    with open(item, 'r') as file:
        i =
    item_data = """
        <title>GamePass Spreadsheet Updated</title>
    item_data = item_data.format(link=link_url, item=i, time=lm)
    rss += item_data

rss += """

# write rss feel
with open(script_dir + '/feed.xml', 'w') as file:


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